What is Spiritual Direction?
....Christian spiritual direction is help given by one believer to another that enables the latter to pay attention to God’s personal communication to him or her, to respond to this personally communicating God, to grow in intimacy with this God, and to live out the consequences of the relationship.
-William Barry
How do I schedule a time with you?
The best way to schedule time together is to contact me at nicholas.feyma@gmail.com.
How can I prepare for spiritual direction?
I love Jesus and my family very much. I make daily choices to pursue emotional, spiritual and physical health so my family will continue to experience the best version of "me." The pain of life has taken a toll that is still felt. The pain of losing a parent at a young age, watching family die slowly, experiencing the pain of being asked to step down from a church we moved across country to work at. The pain of uprooting family multiple times. Disappointment, resentment, anger, wondering what God was up to in directing my steps along with the joy of knowing you are exactly where you belong and doing what you were made to do. The journey of life needs assistance and spiritual direction is a wonderful opportunity. Let's chat.
About Me:
Certified Spiritual Director through Sustainable Faith
Ordained Pastor ICFG, International Church of the Foursquare Gospel
A member of the ESDA, Evangelical Spiritual Directors Association
Certified Ignatian Accompaniment through Sustainable Faith
What to Expect:
Unless you're in the San Luis Obispo, CA area, we will meet via google meet or zoom.
This is your time, so you can talk about whatever you think is important and spiritually significant.
Every meeting is confidential.
We will set an initial time for us to chat. We'll get to know one another, and decide to move forward or not. A typical session is about an hour.